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Subject : 
Install Power Monitor on Linux failed
Description : 
I'm running Ubuntu on my PC, I try to install the PowerMonitor software to allow PDU to shutdown the server safely.
The zipped file downloaded from ATEN website contains a couple of sh scripts.
After the extraction, none is marked to be executable. Even if I run it from a specific folder or extract it in the root, I am still failed to install the software.

Solution : 
Please check if the path of the file and authority are correct, different Linux versions may have different path.
In file, the script will copy file to /etc/rc.d/init.d/ , but in Ubuntu 14.10,  there isn't a folder named /rc.d/ , so the path should changed to /etc/init.d/. 

Below are the new commands for Ubuntu14.10:
cd /home/test/Desktop/PowerMonitor  //Because I download the software to desktop, I have to move to the folder at the desktop.

sudo cp /etc/init.d/   //copy the file to /etc/init.d/

sudo cp sdagent /usr/local/bin/   //copy the file to /usr/local/bin/

cd /usr/local/bin     //go to path  /usr/local/bin/

sudo chmod 777 sdagent   //set the authority to the highest

cd /etc/init.d     //go to path /etc/init.d 

sudo chmod 777   //set the authority to the highest

sh start    //start the service

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